Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thing #13

I really like the ability to handle information in a nonlinear way which more in tune to way I think. I wasn't able to download the video on my home computer so I had to watch it in a little 2"X3" screen. The podcast part of it was fine I just couldn't see the small print. The first thing that popped into my head about a folksonomy was a way to search a customer's question - "It had a green cover...". I now understand a "cloud" and thought Nashville's teen page was pretty cool. But when I clicked on the link for Stafford Branch's summer reading list it was a pdf file. I'm not sure what I did wrong there. The College of New Jersey would not load on my home computer. I liked the account set for oclwebthings. I hope this will still be available after the web 2.0 challenge as it is an easy way to go back to review topics. I don't think Us.ef.ul(beelserspace) is really that easy to understand. I'm going to have to go back to it when I have more time since I'm leaving on vacation Wednesday and my CPM practicum is due Tuesday. I didn't set up a account because the Us.ef.ul wasn't that easy to follow. I will when I have more time.

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