Friday, May 16, 2008

Thing #9

I searched through, and Technorati. I found them to be too much information to cull through. I believe I will need to practice in order to be able to limit my searches more. For example, I searched "ocean county library" and ocean county library and got items that I'm not sure why they were retrieved. was hard for me to deal with the way it appeared on the screen. I did the Technorati tutorial thinking it would help with searching but it was about adding blogs. When I feel more comfortable with the site I will go back to that tutorial. I tried doing this "thing" at home on my computer but I could not get any of the above to load. I guess my computer is too old. However, I'm seeing the advantage to using bloglines for notification from sites rather than email notification. I am always overwhelmed by too much email at work and at home. At home I can have sites like Amnesty International give me feeds instead of email which will cut down on my email.

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