Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thing #14

The Technorati Tour would not load on my home computer. I will try to find some time at work to go back to these activities I am not able to do at home. I also guess I'm going to have to take the plunge and figure out how to afford Internet access through cable. When I searched Learning 2.0 posts I felt like I didn't have enough knowledge to quickly assess whether the posting would be useful. However, when I looked at Learning 2.0 blogs it was easier to evaluate whether the blog would be useful to look at from the description in the listing. There were some interesting looking blogs that deal with Web 2.0 in schools which I thought would be interesting. Some of the local schools have firewalls that block a lot of the Web 2.0 resources (not sure if that is the right descriptive word). I found blogs when searching gluten free that I will definitely go back to and determine which I would like to set up rss feeds to my bloglines account. I'm hoping to find one that talks about restaurants that are "celiac friendly".
Side note - Blogger really needs to make it's spell check Web 2.0 friendly!

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