Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thing #16

Wikis are a very exciting tool for us to use in the library. It will definately help cut down on the problem of managing email. I had come across Nancy Pearl's wiki when searching Technorati. When I viewed Albany's wiki, I wondered why OCL doesn't think about using a wiki while we are developing our strategic plan. It was also interesting looking at the children's portion where they list the children's department SWOT. (We are covering this in CPM.) The library success wiki had some interesting information that may be useful for staff training. We are currently looking at training needs for YS librarians. One area is weeding. The very simple 15 minute weeding steps could certainly be a starting point especially since some of OCL's collections haven't been weeded in a long time. I looked at OCL's page on Wikipedia and probably an easier way to find out about OCL than our own webpage. Maybe because staff can make additions. There's a photo of the TRYS space. Except someone should add information about our ILMS award under the awards section. I'm not sure but I think the staff edits are the ones that are listed by a numerical IP address.

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